Monday 19th December: Penitential Service for partnership of parishes will be held in St Anne’s Church Portmarnock at 7.30pm
Saturday 24th December: (Christmas Eve morning) Mass at 10.00am.
CHRISTMAS EVE – Saturday 24th December
A Christmas Family Mass: 5.00pm (With Nativity Play for Children)
Vigil Mass of Christmas: 7.00pm (Vigil Mass of Christmas)
Night Mass of Christmas: 9.00pm (With solemn blessing of Crib
(Carol singing with our Parish Choir from 8.30pm)
CHRISTMAS DAY – Sunday 25th December
Masses at: 10.00am and 12.00 noon (With Parish Choir)
ST STEPHEN’S DAY – Monday 26th December
Mass for Partnership of Parishes at 11.00am in St Sylvester’s, Malahide
Tuesday 27th December: (National Holiday) Mass for Partnership of Parishes at
11.00am here in Sacred Heart Church
Wednesday to Friday 28th/29th/ 30th December: Masses here at 11.00 each day
Saturday 31st December: Vigil Mass at 6.00pm
Sunday 1st January: Masses at 10.00am and 12.00 noon
Monday 2nd January: Mass for partnership at 11.00 in St Anne’s, Portmarnock
The usual schedule resumes on Tuesday 3rd January 2023 with Mass at 9.30am
The Feast of the Epiphany falls on Friday 6th January and is a Holy Day of Obligation.
There will be a Vigil Mass for the Feast on Thursday evening at 6.00pm
and morning Mass at 10.30am